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01.06.2016, 04:25
I am searching for information about my grandmother, who lived in Danzig until 1934, where she moved to Denmark. I know, her mother died young and that her father, brothers and a sister lived in Danzig too. She was born in 1907. I has been told that she worked on Cafe Thrun i Danzig. My father was born in 1931, but we do not know his fathers name. Does anybody anything about her?

01.06.2016, 09:23
Dear anettesiff!

Welcome to this forum about the past and presence of Danzig/Gdansk. We'll try to find information for you that is stored in different databases, old school books and personal records or even personal knowledge.

First bit of information: in 1929 Café Thrun could be found in Breitgasse 6 and Langgasse 74 (Danziger Einwohnerbuch).

If you have an exact date of birth and a 'correct' name you may ask the registry office in Gdansk for document copies.

Before I can dig deeper in this case I kindly ask to answer the following questions:

1. You seem not to write in German - but can you read it?
2. 'Gertude Karl Jude' may be interpreted in different ways. I suspect that 'Gertude' should be 'Gertrude' or 'Gertrud' - a common first name for girls of that time. 'Karl' is a male first name and 'Jude' may be a last name or a confession. What is correct?
3. Do you have any documents in your family with more specific information?

01.06.2016, 10:09
Thank you so much for your answer!
First I can read german but not write in german. I have no documents at all. She kept her background secret, we don't even know, who is the of my father. My grandmother was born 21. januar 1907, I do not know where, I don't think it was in Danzig. As far as I know her name was - Gertrud Carl Jude. I have seen it spelt Carl-Jude, Carl Jude and Karl Jude, and I don't know which is correct. My father mas born the 24. march 1931 at, I think its called, Die Frauenklinik in Langfür. My father thinks, she was a prostitued but we don't know. She had told she was working at a dancerestaurant, we thought it was Cafe Thrun. But I have found out, that it was a bakery. I would be very grateful for any information and help. My father is 85 years old, and I would very much like to help him to find peace with his history - and mine :) Thank You so much in advance. Best wishes from Anette

01.06.2016, 11:18
Dear Anette,

let's try to enhance on the source of your information. You mentioned different spellings of your grandma's lastname. Where could you read this? Do your father have an official birth certificate? If he's born in the Frauenklinik in Langfuhr: this was a place, known for the help for unmarried pregnant women. Cafe Thrun was not only a bakery but a place to meet for dance with live music. And so there may be the source for all ...

Please take a look on the following names out of the Danziger Einwohnerbuch 1929:


It's just a guess ...



01.06.2016, 11:25
Hallo an alle mit Zugriff auf ancestry!

Kann jemand freundlicherweise den letzten Eintrag unter

für diese Anfrage bereit stellen?

Viele Grüße


01.06.2016, 15:08
Hello Anette,
welcome at the forum and good luck!
I found at the " Einwohnerbuch Danzig 1933":D

01.06.2016, 15:21
Hello, the user conditions of ancestry do not allow to show a download made from there. But here are some further information: Gertrud Martha Carljude, maiden name Krug, living in Danzig-Langfuhr (today Gdańsk Wrzeszcz), Uphagenweg (today "Uphagena"), informs, that Ingeborg Agnes Carljude, 10 days old, protestant, daughter of Kapellmeister Reinhold Emil Carljude, died on October 14, 1929. (Source: Civil records deaths 1929, nr.513)


01.06.2016, 17:40
Hello Annette,

to be sure if I understood all, let me summarize some results:

- Your grandmother's name is Gertrud Carljude, born January 21, 1907.
- her mother, so your great-grandmother, died young (do you know when?)
- father, brothers and a sister of your grandmother lived in Danzig too (do you have their names?)
- you do not know the name of your father's father (was it an illegitimate birth?)

In "" are to find some documents about serveral Carljude. It seems that their origin is in Berlin because the first found document (marriage at Oct.19, 1922, civil records marriages 1922, nr. 1015) says that the Kapellmeister (conductor, director of music) Reinhold Emil August Joseph Carljude, son of the Kaufmann (merchant, trader) Emil August Oskar Carljude and his deceased wife Ida Agnes Dorn lived in Berlin. He married Gertrud Martha Krug, daugther of Hedwig Krug (father not mentioned). This document informs too, that the family name was changed to "Karls" in Sept.23, 1939.

To be able to give/send you some more information it would be helpful, if you could tell us some more information about you grandmother's family.

With best wishes and greetings,

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
02.06.2016, 01:10
Ellen Thrun, the daughter of the owner of the Restaurant lives in Amerika. She might remember who worked for her father. She was often in the shop on her way to and from school. You might want to contact her Annette. Kind regards, Feli

02.06.2016, 08:45
Dear all, I'm so grateful for all your efforts and information! It means a lot to me and I can't wait to tell my father about it. I found my fathers births certificate from Der Standsbeamte. It is the only document we have. It says that he is the son of the unmarried servierfraülein Gertrud Carljude, Langfuhr, Uphagenweg 29. He is named Axel and he is registred as nr 608. My grandmother told me that her mother died when she only was a young girl and that her father shortly after married a very young girl nearly at my grandmothers age. My grandmother also told that his father was a kapellmeister, but my father was not sure it was true. I have some names, but I didn't who was who, but now I can see, that Reinholdt is my grandgrand father and that Erwin must be my grandmothers brother. My grandmothers story about Cafe Thrun is true, she worked at a dancerestaurant. She got pregnant but the father ran away and she was alone. She met a danish man and moved to Denmark in 1934 with my father, who was 3 years old. My "grandfather" was against the nazist and was in KZ in Stutthof near Danzig under the 2. world war. It made a split in the family and I think, this could be why my grandmother never told os about the past. What I would like to know too, was my grandmother jewish? Carljude sounds rather jewish? Thank you all so much in advance - you don't know how much it means to us!

02.06.2016, 08:51
Hello Annette,
Wolfgang wrote that the name was changed to Karls. I found at ( list of name change at Danzig):

Signatur 10/14/0/522
Erwin Carljude and family changed his name 1940 from Carljude to Karls.
This Erwin in adressbook 1940:
Erwin Carljude , Obtruppenführ ( chief commander), Reitergasse 16

Then I found in adressbook 1940: Reinhold Karls , Ang . (employee),Langgarten 40

best wishes

02.06.2016, 10:41
Thank you very much, Jutta! No wonder that the family split up - with a husbond i KZ and a brother as Obtruppführ.... Complicated.

02.06.2016, 11:06
Hello Feli, thank you for the info :) Do you know how or where I can contact Ellen Thrun? Kind regards, Anette

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
03.06.2016, 13:19
Dear Anette ! I have written to Ellen and asked her for her permission to give to you her email address. I shall let you know as soon as I get a reply. Kind regards, Feli

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
04.06.2016, 00:58
Dear Anette ! Please send me your email address on my private mail and I shall get you in contact with Ellen Thrun. She answered me that she would like to hear from you. Kind regards, Feli

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
05.06.2016, 13:08
I hope you have now contact with Ellen. I gave her also your address Anette and you must, by now, have also hers. She thinks the girls were called by their special names, e g. Trudchen. Liebe Gruesse von der Feli

06.06.2016, 15:54
Hello Feli, no I haven't heard from Ellen yet. But I guess I just have to wait :) Best wishes from Anette

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
07.06.2016, 01:36
Dear Anette ! You have got her address now, I have sent it to you. You don't have to wait !!! She is waiting for contact with you, as she gave you the information of how to CONTACT her, it is you who has to introduce herself and tell her your story. Don't hesitate ! Love from Feli

07.06.2016, 22:31
Dear Feli, I can't see your mail. to which mail did you send it ? to my private Love from Anette

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
08.06.2016, 02:07
Yes of course Anette, it went to your private mail. Check it and write to Ellen. Love Felicity

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
09.06.2016, 13:38
Thanks Anette that you let me know that you got all the mail on your private mail. Now, I hope, you two will get in contact with each other. You never know you might learn something new. The best of luck and lots of love from Feli

23.06.2016, 09:41
Dear Feli, I just want you to know, that now I have contact with Ellen. Thank you for your help! Love from Anette

Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
23.06.2016, 11:46
Dear Anette ! I am so glad that it worked out and that I could help you. Ellen is a great person and you might find out what you want to know. Keep in contact. We are like a big family on this forum, sharing with each other and helping one another. Lots of love, Feli.